God of War: Ascension (What you need to know)
Ascension will be the first chapter in the series, forming part of a saga with vengeance as central theme. it will focus on protagonist Kratos before he became the "Ghost of Sparta."
The single-player will feature a "revamped" combat and weapon system, "promptless" mini-games and new puzzles. Sony mentioned "fluid, life-like characters, dynamic lighting effects, and world-changing scenarios". The campaign is "just a little bit shorter" than in previous God of War games.Multiplayer
It will be the first game in series to feature multiplayer. It will support online and offline battles for upto 8 players.Plot
Players will get to see a younger Kratos, one driven mad after being tricked into killing his wife and child. In the game Kratos "seeks to break his bond and gain the clarity to seek revenge on Ares for his part in the death of his family". Joystiq confirms "players will be introduced to a more humane Kratos than ever before" with director Todd Papy stating that they're "[giving] people a look at [Kratos'] human side so fans can relate to him better and understand some of the stuff he went through when he was younger."Source: Wikipedia, Internet, Sony official website, GoW website and many more.
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